The God of Music

​I am not in conflict with this precept at all…”God looks at the heart…” but truth be told we’ve abashed the place of excellence in music in kingdom place and what we’re offering is the same old, same old, feeding on the same diet results in mulnutrition and deficiency diseases, spiritual Marasmus. I will no longer implode neither will I judge when I see my brothers like Willy Paul and Bahati and many others,  doing collabos with secular fanatics, much of it is a financial oust and thirst for fame, but it is also due to lack of conception of renewed and revived worship, and believe you me, you cannot train a soldier to be loyal to his country before teaching his hands to fight. Soldiers do not ride on wild horses, music is the horse, let’s take our musicians and singers to music academies and school of worship, let them master their talents, understand what worship really is, lest we profane and debase the indelible Gospel, then come back to the altar, break their alabaster boxes at the feet of Jesus and pour forth an immutable, paean and euphonious praise and worship, ignescent of the anointing unto the King of Kings, it is the anointing that transforms a talent into a gift; the topic of worshipping in spirit and in truth has lingered time in memorial, let’s break it down, what is *TRUTH* according to 1 John 2:27…(read the Scripture.) *But the anointing we have received….*Ain’t it true that princes are walking on feet while servants are riding on horses…#proper_perspective, a musician will practice tooth and nail for a cooperate gig paying him 10k, hours of practice just to  display and put his best foot forward for the cheque, but will shamelessly miss out on a night vigil Worship Team practice or barely listen to a ministration song, and yet still step on the altar to worship ( in music expression, to a precedently present, mighty God)…truth be told, a worship leader will put on her best dancing shoes,  hire a practice studio pay up for hours of practice to present a song at the state house yet The same worship leader wants to practice for an hour on a Saturday to lead a praise and worship service to Yahweh, the King of Kings…where is the *#truth* where is the *#the_spirit*

Why should.we give credulity to human affairs and neglect kingdom assignment, why should we let the devil have all the good music? be continued.

*Prophet McRogers Raj*


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