Your role as a worship leader is not to perform and draw the congregation’s attention to yourself but to magnify and amplify God’s presence. Leading worship is not about showcasing your musical ability and explicating your prowess in leading the congregation. 

Respond to God’s call and submit your musical abilities to Him. Formal music training and leading worship are two different things. Do not transform the altar to become a stage to showcase your abilities and display your ambition and thirst for human recognition. Your role as a worship leader is to guide worship and not to be worshipped. 

Be a worshipper. Lead by example; understand that worship is for God’s pleasure and not just for creating an emotional atmosphere and euphoniums. Do not therefore cojole and condemn the congregation’s slow response to your canal singing. Don’t bash at them and use harsh words like “lift up your hands, why won’t you worship your God!”. It’s inappropriate and vain. It is counter-productive to exhort people to worship. The spirit of praise and the heart of worship is caught and not taught. 

People may begin to dance,sing and shout but their hearts may not be worshipping. You therefore at this point sieze to lead worship and become a hype man or woman. If the people don’t respond fix your attention to God and very consciously worship Him, people will see this and follow suit. 

Last but not least prepare adequately for the worship service. God is a God of order and form. Prepare your own heart,develop your skills and adequately practice through all songs. Diligence of the development of skills will help the congregation and the musicians to feel secure in you as a worship leader. Have knowledge of trending and new worship songs. 

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